Full moon in July 2024: mysterious influence and its meaning

Full moon in July 2024: mysterious influence and its meaning


The full moon is of particular importance, since at this moment the energies of the Moon and the Sun are in a state of maximum tension. This is a time of high emotional energy and significant changes in your personal life and the world around you. Find out on Joy-pup when the Full Moon will occur in July 2024 and what influence it has.

When does the Deer Moon occur?

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The July Full Moon (Deer Moon) will occur on July 21 at 1:20 p.m. The celestial event will occur on the 16th lunar day of the lunar calendar. Moonrise will occur at 21:41 and sunset at 03:10. The powerful energy of the full moon will begin to operate on the evening of July 20 and will last until July 22. Among the Native Americans, the July Full Moon is known as the Buck Moon.” This is due to the fact that at this time of year young deer begin to grow new antlers, which by the end of July in most males are already fully formed and begin to harden.

According to the lunar calendar, the Full Moon will occur in the sign of Capricorn. The Full Moon in Capricorn is a time to understand yourself. Take time to explore your inner world and become aware of the emotions that arise during your daily activities. Notice what brings you joy, what excites you, and what makes you feel at peace with life.

The main aspects of the Full Moon and the impact on humans

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1. Emotional intensity

During the Full Moon, many people experience increased sensitivity and emotional outbursts. This is a time when hidden feelings and desires can come to the surface, and conflicts can escalate.

2. Completion and release

The full moon is often associated with the completion of ongoing processes. This is the ideal time to complete old affairs and free yourself from outdated connections and obligations. Astrologers recommend using this period to cleanse your living space and thoughts.

3. Meditation and reflection

Calm activities such as meditation or yoga can help calm inner storms and harness the energy of the full moon for deep inner work. This is the time when you can establish a connection with your subconscious and understand the hidden motives of your actions.

Astrological meaning of the Full Moon in Capricorn

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Each Full Moon occurs in a specific zodiac sign, and this has a significant impact on its energy and impact on people. The position of the Moon in the zodiac circle helps to understand in what areas of life changes are expected and how best to prepare for these vibrations. Capricorn is the last sign on the zodiac circle, which on this day will meet the Sun in Cancer – representative of the depths of the unconscious, emotions and revitalization.

Every Full Moon is also a lively meeting of the Sun and Moon in two signs. When the Full Moon is in Capricorn, it will be opposite the Sun in Cancer. Mercury, the planet of communication, is also close to the Moon, so there may be some difficult conversations ahead. The Cancer-Capricorn axis is associated with security – both material and emotional. Capricorn strives for high material status and wants to reach new heights through prestige and recognition. Thus, the Full Moon in Capricorn may allow us to reflect on work-life balance. There is great potential for growth and development during this period, especially if we accept and use what it offers us. When the Moon is in Capricorn, we have a strong need for high productivity, but we will have to face some inconvenient things.

This Full Moon can bring the realization that some things need to end, especially those that block our growth. You need to let go of the situation and realize that certain ideas, actions or endeavors are simply not possible right now or at all. Letting go and saying goodbye to something dear can be difficult, but this Full Moon is our opportunity to rewrite the next chapter of life, to turn our dreams and goals that didn’t come true into new ones. There are no wrong paths in this life, only lessons that make us wiser, better and more capable.

Read also: when the New Moon occurs in July 2024.

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