Important astrological dates for 2024: eclipses, retrogrades, full moons

Important astrological dates for 2024: eclipses, retrogrades, full moons


Moon phases, planetary positions and their movements are important in astrology. Their location directly affects the inner world, consciousness and emotional state of a person and the natal chart. Many people attribute their ups and downs to these celestial events. To prepare for rapid changes, find out on joy-pup when the main astronomical events will be in 2024.

When will there be eclipses in 2024

Important astrological dates for 2024: eclipses, retrogrades, full moons 1

There will be four eclipses over the next year, and during these intervals there will be corresponding changes that will bring a lot of information about our surroundings and, of course, about ourselves. The moments of greatest intensity will be observed 15 days before and 15 days after the following eclipse dates:

  • March 25 – penumbral lunar eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis.
  • April 8 – a total solar eclipse will occur on the Aries-Libra axis.
  • September 18 – partial lunar eclipse on the Virgo-Pisces axis.
  • October 2 – annular solar eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis.

Full Moon and Super Moon 2024

Important astrological dates for 2024: eclipses, retrogrades, full moons 2

January Full Moon: The Wolf Moon will occur on January 25th in the sign of Leo.

February Full Moon: The Snow Moon will occur on February 24th in the sign of Virgo.

March Full Moon: The Worm Moon occurs on March 25th in the sign of Libra.

April Full Moon: The Pink Moon will appear on April 24th in the sign of Scorpio.

May Full Moon: The Flower Moon occurs on May 23rd in the sign of Sagittarius.

Full Moon in June: The Strawberry Moon occurs on June 22 in the sign of Capricorn.

Full Moon in July: The Deer Moon occurs on July 21st in the sign of Capricorn.

Full Moon in August: The Sturgeon Moon will occur on August 19th in the sign of Aquarius.

Full Moon in September: The Harvest Moon (Super Moon) will occur on September 18th in the sign of Pisces.

October Full Moon: The Hunting Moon (Super Moon) occurs on October 17th in the sign of Aries.

Full Moon in November: The Beaver Moon will occur in the sign of Taurus on November 15th.

Full Moon in December: The Cold Moon will occur on December 15th in the sign of Gemini.

Retrograde planets in 2024

Important astrological dates for 2024: eclipses, retrogrades, full moons 3

Retrograde planets do not literally mean that they are moving backwards, since celestial bodies do not deviate from their orbits. However, from an earthly point of view, they give the impression of moving in the opposite direction. During the retrograde period of any planet, refrain from starting anything new, remain calm and confident. Despite the unpredictable changes, everything will work out in the end.

The beginning of the year and its end will bring turmoil, which will require patience and a lot of courage to overcome. In 2024, many romantic relationship issues will be resolved as Venus will remain in direct motion throughout the year.

Mercury retrograde in 2024

Mercury retrograde is present in the most important astrological dates of 2024. Water and fire signs will have to be careful during Mercury retrograde in 2024. Their good intentions can backfire on them and create chaos in their relationship.

  • From December 13, 2023 to January 2, 2024 in Capricorn.
  • From April 2 to April 24, 2024 in Aries.
  • From August 5 to August 29, 2024 in Virgo and Leo.
  • From November 27 to December 15, 2024 in Sagittarius.

Mars retrograde in 2024

This astronomical event will occur from December 6, 2024 to January 6, 2025 in the fire sign of Leo. Bursts of energy will affect all zodiac signs, and during this period they will be in a state of increased activity. It is important to remain calm and avoid impulsive decisions until Mars completes its retrograde period.

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