Dreams about dogs can evoke a variety of emotions in people, from friendliness to fear. But what can the appearance of a dog in dreams symbolize? Let’s consider this question using various interpretations from different dream books.
The dog in Miller’s dream book
According to Miller’s dream book, the appearance of a dog in a dream may indicate loyalty and devotion. It can also be a warning that you need to be more protective and take care of your loved ones in order to maintain a harmonious relationship.
Dog in the Lunar Dream Book
In the Lunar Dream Book, the appearance of a dog can symbolize protection and protection. This may be a warning that you need to protect your interests and your loved ones in order to avoid trouble.
Dog in Hasse’s dream book
According to Hasse’s dream book, a dog in a dream can indicate loyalty and devotion. This may be a warning that you need to be more tolerant and take care of your loved ones in order to maintain a healthy relationship.
Dog in the Esoteric dream book
In the Esoteric dream book, a dog can symbolize loyalty and the ability to protect oneself. This may be a warning that you need to protect your interests and be ready to fight in order to achieve your desired goals.
Dog in Tsvetkov’s dream book
In Tsvetkov’s dream book, the appearance of a dog can symbolize friendship and fidelity. This may be a warning that you need to be more social and take care of your friends in order to maintain a healthy and harmonious relationship.
Dog in the dream book of Nostradamus
According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a dog in a dream can indicate intuition and protection. This may be a warning that you need to trust your inner feelings and ability to defend yourself in order to avoid trouble in life.
Dog in Loff’s dream book
In Loff’s dream book, the appearance of a dog can symbolize loyalty and protection. This may be a warning that you need to protect your interests and loved ones in order to keep them safe.
Dog in Freud’s dream book
According to Freud’s dream book, a dog in a dream can indicate sexuality and a desire for sexual pleasure. However, this dream book was created at the beginning of the 20th century, and its interpretations may not be relevant today.
Dog in Islamic dream book
In the Islamic dream book, the appearance of a dog may indicate fragility and inconstancy. This may be a warning that you need to be careful of those who cannot be truly faithful and consistent in life.
Dog in Vanga’s dream book
In Vanga’s dream book, the appearance of a dog can symbolize protection and self-confidence. This may be a warning that you need to use your strengths and fight for your rights in order to achieve success and well-being.
Psychologist’s comment
Dreams about dogs can indicate various qualities that are needed in life, such as loyalty, devotion, protection, and the ability to fight for one’s interests. However, each dream is individual and its interpretation depends on the specific context and personal associations of the dog. If you have dreams about dogs and you cannot understand their meaning, contact a psychologist who can help you understand your emotions and problems that may be reflected in dreams.
To be continued…

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