The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2024: a selection of templates and photo ideas

The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2024: a selection of templates and photo ideas


New Year is a special holiday that pleases with its magic. It allows us to return to childhood again and enjoy what is happening around us. And, of course, each of us is trying to create a bright decor. One of the most interesting and accessible ones is an openwork vytynanka created from paper. You can carve ballerinas, snowfields, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, as well as the main symbol of the year.

You just need to print or sketch a template, according to which you will cut the vytynanka. At joy-pup, we have collected beautiful options for New Year’s pots for 2024. See what you can do.

vytynanka for the New Year

What are protrusions?

Vytynanki is a Slavic type of folk decorative art, carved paper patterns that are used to decorate the interior. The first paper figurines began to be made in the 2nd century BC in China. Since paper was very expensive in those days, only people of high status could cut various patterns from it. Today, not a single holiday is complete without beautiful carved protrusions.

vytynanka templates
vytynanka templates
vytynanka 2020

Before the New Year, they decorate the windows of apartments, houses, offices, kindergartens and schools. They are glued onto cardboard and New Year’s cards and appliques are made. Let us and we plunge into the world of paper art and make magical vytynanka for the New Year 2024. You can download and print templates and stencils yourself, and then decorate a room or an entire apartment.

Cut out delicate snowflakes from paper

“White snowflakes are spinning in the morning …” A song familiar from childhood reminds of the New Year’s holiday, cold winter and gives a good mood. Even if it is gray and foggy outside the window, and you can only dream of white snowdrifts, make a few snowflakes with your own hands and attach them to the windows. Come up with your own design or choose templates for cutting snowflakes on our website.

vytynanka 2020
vytynanka on a new
vytynanka on a new
vytynanka for the new year
vytynanka for the new year
recessed windows
vytynanka for 2020

Also use beautiful patterns for cutting openwork snowflakes or create an unusual vytynanka based on your favorite TV series. “Game of Thrones” or ” Star Wars ” just might serve as a source of inspiration.

vytynanka 2020 templates
print out vytynanka
vytynanka templates print
vytynanka for the new 2020
vytynanka for the new year 2020
vytynanka for the new year templates
vytynanka 2020 templates
vytynanka on the new 2020 templates

See the collection of patterns for cutting New Year’s snowflakes and choose the most beautiful one.

vytynanka for new year 2020 templates
vytynanka 2020 print

Read also how to cut out bulky paper snowflakes .

Patterns on the windows: beautiful do-it-yourself vytynanka

New Year’s cutouts are made in the classroom in schools and in kindergartens, adults and children of different ages are happy to create them with their own hands. This New Year’s paper-white extravaganza cannot be stopped. Therefore, we will enjoy it together.

vytynanka frost
protruding snowflakes
vytynanka 2020 on windows templates
vytynanka for 2020 on windows
vytynanka New Year's templates on the windows

Whom do kids dream of seeing on New Year’s Eve? Of course, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! And here is the snowman walking through the snowdrifts. All these characters seem to come to life on the windows, you just have to turn off the lights and start the flickering of New Year’s garlands.

vytynanka new year templates snowman
vytynanka frost snowman
vytynanka grandfather
vytynanka santa claus
vytynanka santa claus
vytynanka santa claus
vytynanka santa claus snow maiden

A paper tree on your window can be fancy, fancy, lush, and lovely! Take a look at these festive stencils and cut out luxurious New Year’s pimples.

vytynanka tree
vytynanka tree
vytynanka tree
vytynanka tree
vytynanka tree
vytynanka tree
vytynanka tree
vytynanka tree

And a few more New Year’s templates – deer, balls, angels, numbers, bells and snowflakes . Small or large, delicate and intricate or simple and minimalistic – choose and create according to your taste!

The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 7
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 8
vytynanka pictures
protruding snowflakes
protruding snowflakes
vytynanka pictures
protruding snowflakes
angel pictures
deer pictures
toy pictures
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 9

New Year’s compositions on the windows

Some protrusions for New Year 2024 are so large that they resemble whole paintings. Yes, these are works of art, you just have to cut them out and glue them on the windows.

The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 10
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 11
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 12
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 13
vytynanka tree
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 14
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 15
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 16
The most beautiful vytynanka for the New Year 2022: a selection of templates and photo ideas 17
vytynanka tree

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