3 simple exercises to relieve shoulder blade pain

3 simple exercises to relieve shoulder blade pain


Shoulder blade pain can occur for various reasons. But when it appears, it causes very strong discomfort. Our performance also decreases. Therefore, we want to get rid of it as soon as possible. We at joy-pup offer several simple exercises with which you can relieve shoulder blade pain.

Cat stretch

This exercise helps stretch the back muscles and improve the flexibility of the spine. It is especially effective for relieving tension in the shoulder blade area and improving posture.

How to do it:

  • Get on all fours, placing your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  • As you inhale, arch your back, lowering your stomach down and raising your head and buttocks up.
  • As you exhale, round your back, pulling in your stomach and lowering your head down.
  • Repeat the movements 8-10 times, focusing on smoothness and control.

Stomach exercise

3 simple exercises to relieve shoulder blade pain 1

This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles of the upper back and shoulder blades, maintains correct posture.

How to do it:

  • Lie on your stomach, put your hands in front of you.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms, chest and head at the same time, keeping your feet on the floor.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold this position for 3-5 seconds.
  • As you exhale, slowly lower your arms and chest back to the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise 10-12 times, controlling your breathing and movement.

Towel stretch

This exercise helps to relax the muscles around the shoulder blades and increase their flexibility. It is ideal for relieving tension after sitting at the computer for a long time.

How to do it:

  • Take a towel or belt and twist it into a ring.
  • Stand up straight and hold the towel with both hands behind your back.
  • Slowly raise your arms up, moving the towel behind your head.
  • Continue lifting until you feel a stretch in your shoulder blades and shoulders.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat 2-3 times.

To be continued…

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