Makeup for green-brown eyes: what color palette to choose?

Makeup for green-brown eyes: what color palette to choose?


Do you have green-brown eyes and want to make them more expressive? This will help a well-chosen palette of shadows, which are an indispensable part of everyday makeup. Read on Joy-pup what shades of colors suit the owners of magical green-brown eyes.

What eyeshadow colors can you use?

Green-brown iris pigment has a wide color spectrum, but restrained colors look best on it. Highlight your unique eye color and give your eyelid soft, muted eyeshadow tones. Shades of beige, flesh, apricot, gray are suitable for you. For more festive evenings, you can use a golden color. Let your eyes stand out, but don’t go overboard and avoid bold colors.

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The only bold color you can try are shades ranging from light purple to plum. This should give green eyes brightness and shine. You can experiment and shade it with a more neutral color. Avoid shades of blue, pink, or silver.

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Makeup for green-brown eyes

For the colors of the shadows, pick up a brown-black eyeliner. You can also try khaki or brown pencils. Don’t use black, which emphasizes the upper eyelid too much and the look will be unnatural. Apply brown or black mascara to your lashes for an unforgettable effect. Highlight your lips with red shades of lipstick, complete your makeup with peach blush.

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Color magic

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What does this magical eye color really mean? Its owners carry the potential of eternal youth, stability, patience, tranquility and prosperity. They give a lot of love to others, but it is very important for them to receive it in return. People with an eye color that is a mixture of green and brown are fun and adventurous. If they can use their strengths, they will be very successful in all matters.

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