Perfect hairstyles for winter that won’t be ruined by a hat

Perfect hairstyles for winter that won’t be ruined by a hat


When it’s cold outside, an icy wind blows and it’s snowing, never forget your hat. Without it, you risk getting hypothermia, colds and damage your hair. Most women do not like to wear a winter hat because it ruins their hair. We at Joy-pup will tell you which hairstyles can survive wearing a hat.


A scythe is a win-win option. It holds its shape well under the hat, the main thing is to braid tightly and securely fasten the ends. This is a neat and comfortable hairstyle that fixes the hair well, not allowing individual hairs to break out. A careless pigtail, mischievously knocked out from under a winter hat, is a quick hairstyle that is done in the shortest possible time. If you want to make it more original, loosen it in some places, creating a casual look. Hairstyles with braids can have a lot of variations. For example, you can braid them only at the top, and leave the rest of the hair free. Try also other types of braid weaving: fish, rope, French, Dutch.

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Even hair tied in this way can withstand the pressure of a winter headdress. A low beam can be easily placed under a knitted hat, especially if it is voluminous. This is an excellent choice when choosing a hairstyle, because after removing the cap, the hair remains collected and not disheveled. Also try the option with one bun at the top and the rest of the hair loose. This hairstyle is suitable for an evening meeting. If you put your hair in a side low bun, then you will look original and at the same time very elegant.

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Ponytail hair is a great option for winter hairstyles. It is best done at the bottom of the head. Otherwise, the hat will not sit properly and you will see a small hump underneath. The tail is very versatile – it can be done from behind, from the side, divided into two parts, release a few front strands. This hairstyle looks beautiful on hair of different textures and will withstand any hat.

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Loose hair

This is the most popular hairstyle for a winter hat. Loose hair is best styled in such a way that a few strands are located next to the face, covering only the top of the head with a hat. Stretch your hair at home with a flat iron to keep your hair smooth.

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Beach waves

Lightweight “beach waves” styling is also suitable for wearing under a winter hat. Careless curls are characterized by a chaotic look and unevenness, so it is easy to restore it by lightly whipping the strands with your hands.

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Bangs out

With the transition to winter time, you can add bangs to your hairstyle, and not only from an aesthetic point of view. Thick bangs protect our sinuses from the cold and such hairstyles are much better at resisting wind and bad weather. This option is indispensable for owners of short hair. The bangs that reach eye level look beautiful. Before going out, arbitrarily lay the bangs straight or to the side and sprinkle with varnish.

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