Whiteheads on the face: why they appear and how to remove them?

Whiteheads on the face: why they appear and how to remove them?


Many women have whiteheads on their face, and especially on their nose. This is one of the forms of acne that occurs due to clogged pores. Its cause is excessive secretion of sebum. We at joy-pup will tell you how to get rid of such white dots.

Causes of whiteheads on nose

Whiteheads on the face: why they appear and how to remove them? 1

The sebaceous glands can get clogged with excess sebum, dead cells and, of course, dirt. In this case, bacteria quickly develop in them, leading to inflammation. Whiteheads appear on the skin, which can also be flesh-colored. Most often they appear in the T-zone on the face – the nose, forehead and chin.

We will look at the main factors in the appearance of whiteheads on the nose.

  • Bacteria. Acne is caused by Propionibacterium acnes, which develops in the pores and contributes to inflammation.
  • Wrong nutrition. If you eat a lot of unhealthy foods that contain trans fats, your skin can suffer greatly.
  • Bad habits. Our lifestyle greatly affects our skin. Smoking, stress, alcohol, lack of sleep – all this leads to skin inflammation. And acne also appears from the sun or a polluted environment.
  • Hormones. When hormone levels change, the sebaceous glands can begin to produce much more sebum. This leads to the appearance of closed eels.

How to get rid of white dots?

Whiteheads on the face: why they appear and how to remove them? 2

It is impossible to squeeze out such pimples. In general, experts do not advise squeezing out any acne, as it is easy to bring an infection under the skin or lead to the appearance of wounds.

Remedies for whiteheads

Whiteheads on the face: why they appear and how to remove them? 3

It is recommended to use special products that heal the skin and relieve inflammation. These include:

  • retinoids;
  • salicylic acid;
  • benzene peroxide.

Cosmetologists also recommend peelings, professional facial cleansing. But these procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Home remedies

Whiteheads on the face: why they appear and how to remove them? 4

At home, you can get rid of whiteheads with the help of folk remedies. So, you can use baking soda, which normalizes the pH of the skin and the production of sebum. It also cleanses the pores well. You can make a mask by mixing baking soda with water. You should get a thick consistency. The mixture is applied to problem areas and left for 20 minutes.

Honey, which is famous for its healing effect, has a good effect. It moisturizes the skin, promotes its rejuvenation and gives it a healthy look. You need to heat the honey in a water bath to a comfortable temperature and apply it to the acne-prone areas. Leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off the honey and moisturize the skin with cream.

To prevent whiteheads, take good care of your skin. Remember to remove makeup and wash your face thoroughly. Also regularly use skin care products that should suit you. This will avoid inflammation on the face.

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