Large eyes allow us to have an expressive and piercing gaze, which is crucial in our overall appearance. But how to achieve the Bambi effect if you have dark circles or a small incision? The solution is in your makeup bag. Read on Joy-pup for tips on how to make your eyes look bigger with makeup.
Eye area care
Before applying these makeup tips, you can bring back the shine to your eyes with the right care. Use eye cream or patches to help relieve puffiness, moisturize, and correct dark circles. You can also place spoons straight from the freezer or iced tea bags over your eyes to tighten the area around them and reduce dark circles.

Concealer around the eyes
Dark circles make your eyes appear smaller, so getting rid of them is extremely important. Apply concealer around the eyes to achieve even coverage. For optimal results, choose a concealer that is lighter and warmer than your complexion.

Shimmery eyeshadow
When it comes to eyeshadow, the shades you use can make a big difference in the definition and size of your eyes. Light to moderate eye shadow colors such as pastels, light shimmers and light brown shades will help make your eyes look bigger. Apply them in the corners of the eyes, on the brow bones and in the middle of the eyelids.

Emphasis on eyebrows
The curved shape helps to enlarge the eye area and make it appear larger and more open. You can expand this area even further by having your brows laminated or using a special gel that will keep your hairs raised and looking fuller.

Eyelash Curling
This very simple step can make a huge difference. Curling your eyelashes with an eyelash curler instantly opens up your eye area. Then apply lengthening mascara from top to bottom.

White arrows
Dark colored pencils visually make the eyes smaller. However, to widen your eyes and highlight their color, applying a white eyeliner to your lower eyelid instead will instantly brighten your eyes.

Colored eyeliner
Ditch the classic black eyeliner and go for something lighter. Brown or colored eyeliner can make your eyes look bigger and more expressive. Choose an eyeliner color that makes your eyes stand out: blue, green, champagne.

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