New Year’s riddles for adults – how to have a fun holiday?

New Year’s riddles for adults – how to have a fun holiday?


We all want to celebrate the New Year 2023 in an original and fun way. And for this, it is worth considering a festive program, diluting it with contests, puzzles and riddles. After all, such a pastime is suitable not only for children, but also for a company of any age. We at joy-pup have collected New Year’s riddles for adults, which will become part of your feast.

New Year’s riddles for adults in verse

New Year’s riddles for adults – how to have a fun holiday? 1

Sometimes hanging, sometimes standing,

Sometimes he even lies down,

From it, a stream pours,

What is his name, tell me?



She will age instantly

Keeps everyone warm, of course.

But if the wind comes,

That instantly rejuvenates her.



You can’t say it out loud

His eyes are on fire.

There will be joy, prosperity,

Think boldly…

(A wish)


Now I will ask you a question:

How many years in one year?

Give me an answer soon

Guessed or not?

(one summer)


Bent over the river.

Their deal is this:

The river will exchange it

Perch – on the worm.

(Fishing rod)


A man is standing in the yard

Used to the winter cold

White-white and cold

He is unmarried, single

And with a bucket on my head

What type, tell me?



People envy him

He works 24/7

Everyone should have such a schedule,

And from work to fanatet!

(Father Frost)


If shaken well

You can break the chandelier

If it hits the eye

Meet with blanche New Year!

(Champagne cork)

Rhyming riddles for adults

New Year’s riddles for adults – how to have a fun holiday? 2

Cargo sumo champion

It’s good to have a big…



If in the New Year in the morning

Even better than yesterday

It’s cause for fun

You passed…



For every taste and color,

And for the show – better not.

I’m faster than a leopard

Because I…


New Year’s riddles for adults in prose

New Year’s riddles for adults – how to have a fun holiday? 3
  • Where is the water standing? (In glass)
  • It’s coming to an end faster vacation, what is it? (Vacation)
  • What is the fear of Santa Claus called? (Claustrophobia)
  • It is always in front of us, but we cannot see it. What’s this? (Future)
  • What should you do when you see a green man? (Cross the street)
  • It nourishes in autumn, warms in winter, amuses in spring, cools in summer. (Vodka)
  • The name of the first woman in the world to master an aircraft. (Baba Yaga)
  • Sober at the New Year’s banquet is only … (Christmas tree)
  • Pet, starts with a “T”. (Cockroach)

You can also come up with interesting New Year’s riddles on your own to amuse your friends. They can be different: in rhyme, in verse, with tricky questions and unexpected answers. The main thing is to cheer up those around you.

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