Everyday things that used to be considered the work of the devil

Everyday things that used to be considered the work of the devil


Changes are hard for people, so it often happens that they perceive new inventions and household items with hostility. So it was with electricity, the telephone, and even cutlery. Due to the lack of knowledge, they were credited with paranormal and even demonic properties. But about everything in more detail – before you is a list of things that humanity was not enthusiastic about at first.


Even in ancient Greece, fork-like utensils were used to cut meat. But still, the fork began to be used as a cutlery only in the 7th century.

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They first appeared in the Middle East, and then migrated to Europe. Conservative Europeans did not want to put an object in their mouth that reminded them of the Devil’s pitchfork. The Byzantine princess, who used a fork at dinner, aroused bewilderment and even righteous anger among her subjects. And after she died from the plague, rumors spread at court that this was retribution for using the fork.

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In Italy, forks appeared only in the 11th century, but only the nobles took them in their hands so as not to stain the collar during the meal. Eating with your hands is still dangerous for expensive lace, which the rich used to decorate their outfits. However, furious Catholic priests until the XVII-XVIII forbade believers to use forks.

Musical instruments

In the Muslim tradition, there is a legend that Iblis (the Devil) became jealous of the prophet Davud (David), because he had a beautiful and melodious voice. And he could also heal the sick with it, reading the Zabur (Psalter) in a singsong voice. Therefore, the Unclean One invented musical instruments to distract people from religiosity and lull their vigilance.

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In the East, it was believed that the flute, lute and tambourine were invented by the daughters of Cain, and the violin was disliked in medieval Europe. Some Muslim countries still believe that the devil can tempt people through music.

The Smurfs

These cute little men in white caps frightened the Jehovah’s Witnesses and they decided that the Smurfs were the creation of Satan. Impressive parents picked up this cartoon horror story and began to forbid their children from watching The Smurfs, and with them other cartoons (for prevention). It was in the 1980s, when the mystification of everyday life and all sorts of religious sects was at the peak of popularity.

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The story with the Smurfs got its unexpected continuation in 2008, when information appeared on the Internet that a Smurf doll, allegedly possessed by the Devil, had bitten a child. And in 2011, TV presenter-preacher Dorothy Spaulding broadcast from blue screens that the Smurfs are demons worshiping Satan.

Pacifist sign

In general, to attribute mysticism to all sorts of signs is for certain people in the order of things. Some believers got so carried away that they saw an inverted and broken cross in the sign of the pacifists, and this is not good.

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An unexpected turn – the cross also smacks of devilry to some Christians. More precisely, paganism – amazing, right?

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In pre-Christian times, the Babylonian god of nature, Tammuz, was depicted with the help of the letter T. A little later, Christian dreamers saw the resemblance to the cross and attributed devilish properties to it. Why not?


And here the righteous anger of Christians, the mystification of everyday life and the fear of progress have reached their peak. At the beginning of the 20th century, preachers and priests opposed telephones as best they could, calling them the work of the devil. And in the Swedish villages, in all seriousness, phones were associated with magic and the threat of an invasion of evil spirits. They were also afraid of wires, because of which lightning could strike the room. As a result, farmers have cut telephone lines to save their homes from disaster.

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Some religious organizations still do not recognize telephones because they lead a closed lifestyle. They believe that using the phone, Satan can enter their home and destroy the righteous life of their community.


Many ordinary people who are far from this sport can agree with the version of the diabolical origin of football. Skirmishes and skirmishes of football fans, as well as a fanatical passion for football, suggest that this sport is from the evil one.

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The mystification of football has its own ideological preacher – Evange Funmilaiu Adebaiu. She considers this game to be an invention of the Devil, and the football museum in São Paulo is a temple to the worship of false gods. According to the preacher, football can become a tool for establishing a new order and fertile ground for the coming of the Antichrist to Earth. The faith of people in something other than God does not suit Mrs. Evangeh at all. In addition, she is sure that football contributes to the rooting of such human sins as gambling, alcoholism, gluttony and even sodomy. How is not yet clear. But very interesting.

Disney Corporation

Here, the hoaxers (or, simply, Disney’s competitors) have completely reached insanity, accusing the company and its creator of all earthly sins. Some say that Walt Disney’s head is kept in ice and that relatives are hoping to revive the cartoonist.

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Others argue that Disney cartoons are hold encrypted sinful messages and sexual overtones. And the third is haunted by the company’s logo, in which they saw three “sixes” – the coded sign of the Devil.

The science

There is nothing to say here – one has only to recall the Holy Inquisition, the persecution of scientists, astronomers and philosophers during the Middle Ages. Change and progress have always frightened priests and religious fanatics, so all they could do was ban, deny the obvious, and kill all those who disagree.

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