Marking beds with wine corks – Gardening hacks and useful tips Part 21 + bonus video

Marking beds with wine corks – Gardening hacks and useful tips Part 21 + bonus video


bonus video Fantastic but real life hacks for gardeners and summer residents – you won’t be bored!

Life hack58. Garter tomato, peppers and cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open field

Experienced summer residents share their secret of how to quickly and easily tie up seedlings without having to create knots. Instead, when planting plants, one end of the twine is lowered into the hole and pressed with an earthen clod of seedlings. A week later, when the plants are rooted, the other end of the twine is simply wrapped around the stems and tied to a support.

At the end of the season, the plants can be easily freed from twine, which can then be sent to the compost heap. This method not only saves time and reduces fatigue, but also provides a comfortable support for the plants as they grow.

Marking beds with wine corks – Gardening hacks and useful tips Part 21 + bonus video 1

Life hack59. Marking beds with wine corks on skewers

Gardeners proudly admire their well-groomed beds. However, in order to keep order and easily determine where certain plant varieties are located, summer residents can use designer signs with signatures. After they perform variety testing and selection, in order not to get confused in the varieties, it is necessary to mark the beds.

Wine corks on skewers are often used to label a crop or variety. This method fits well in the ecogarden and is perfectly preserved outdoors. The name of the variety or culture can be written with an indelible marker on the cork, then a skewer is inserted into the cork and the “tablet” is ready.

Marking beds with wine corks – Gardening hacks and useful tips Part 21 + bonus video 2

To be continued…

See also: gardening hacks and helpful tips Part 20 + bonus video.

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