Pallet Hedge Screen – Garden Hacks & Tips Part 22 + Bonus Video

Pallet Hedge Screen – Garden Hacks & Tips Part 22 + Bonus Video


bonus video Fantastic but real life hacks for gardeners and summer residents – you won’t be bored!

Lifehack60. Labels for signature varieties of seedlings from juice boxes

When purchasing plant seedlings at horticultural markets or private nurseries, we often think that we can remember where which variety is or rely on a “note” from the seller. However, over time, trees and shrubs grow, notes disappear, and names are forgotten in many others. We offer a proven method of preserving the variety name, right on the growing seedling.

To do this, you need to cut the juice box into strips 3-4 cm wide and 10 cm long, make a hole on one side, thread a wire or wire 10-15 cm long into the hole (which will allow you to tie the tag to one of the main branches), write the name of the variety on the inner shiny side with a gel pen in block letters, pressing hard on the surface so that the inscription is clearly visible, then screw the label to the future stem branch before planting. In the future, you should monitor the status of the inscriptions and, if necessary, update them.

Pallet Hedge Screen – Garden Hacks & Tips Part 22 + Bonus Video 1

Life hack61. Pallet screen with herbs and herbs

Hedges remain in trend. Another interesting option is the use of combined fences made from pallets. The voids formed in them can be filled with soil and planted greens, herbs and flowers, which are ideal for vertical beds. As the plants grow, they will close the windows in the structure, creating a full-fledged green wall.

Pallet Hedge Screen – Garden Hacks & Tips Part 22 + Bonus Video 2

To be continued…

See also: Garden hacks and helpful tips Part 21 + bonus video.

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