The Solar Orbiter approached the Sun and showed what a star looks like up close

The Solar Orbiter approached the Sun and showed what a star looks like up close


The Solar Orbiter spacecraft has sent a new series of close-up images of the Sun. He is investigating our star and has again made a close approach. According to Phys, the new photographs from which the video was assembled show the path of the device to the star from September 20 to October 10.

The Solar Orbiter approached the Sun and showed what a star looks like up close 1

This is not the first time Solar Orbiter has come close to our primary star. He went to her in February 2020. And in June of the same year, he approached the Sun. To fly very close, he has to perform gravity maneuvers.

The new images, which were taken between September and October 2022, have been turned into a short video by scientists from the European Space Agency (ESA). It shows the Sun in its splendor. And the photos were taken at a wavelength of light, which is 17 nanometers.

The Solar Orbiter approached the Sun and showed what a star looks like up close 2

This is the wavelength emitted by gas in the atmosphere of the Sun, which has a temperature of approximately 1 million degrees Celsius. Since this wavelength cannot be detected by the human eye, scientists have added artificial color to the Sun. Therefore, in the pictures it looks like a yellow star.

The Solar Orbiter approached the Sun and showed what a star looks like up close 3

The device sent data to Earth almost every day. But some days they didn’t come. After all, depending on the location of Solar Orbiter, it can take whole weeks for its data to reach our planet.

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