Tianwen-1 took unique photos of the entire Mars

Tianwen-1 took unique photos of the entire Mars


The Chinese spacecraft Tianwen-1 has taken new images of Mars locations, including the south pole. According to Peta Pixel, the device sent unique photos to Earth.

Tianwen-1 took unique photos of the entire Mars 1

Tianwen-1 has been taking high-resolution images of the Red Planet since May 2021. He has already circled the planet 1300 times. And despite the fact that the device took a lot of photos, this time it showed truly unique pictures. So, the Martian south pole, which consists of water ice mixed with dust and frozen carbon dioxide, fell into his field of attention.

Tianwen-1 took unique photos of the entire Mars 2

Thanks to such photos, you can determine how strong the likelihood of life on the planet is. You can also understand where to start research.

Some images of the device show the giant canyon system of the Mariner Valley, which is 4000 km long. Also presented are photos of the impact craters of the highlands in the north of Mars, which is also called Arabia Terra.

Tianwen-1 took unique photos of the entire Mars 3

Another high-resolution image shows the edges of the Maunder Crater, as well as Mount Askriyskaya, which is an 18-kilometer volcano. This is one of the highest volcanoes on the Red Planet.

Tianwen-1 took unique photos of the entire Mars 4

By the way, at the beginning of the year, the Tianwen-1 apparatus took very beautiful pictures of Mars. So, photographs of the barren red surface and the north pole, which is covered with ice, were presented.

Tianwen-1 took unique photos of the entire Mars 5

And the device was launched on July 23, 2020, it was delivered into space by the Long March 5 Y-4 launch vehicle. Before reaching the Martian orbit, the probe covered 474 million kilometers. And on May 15, 2021, the lander landed on Mars.

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