What would happen if the Earth rotated in the opposite direction?

What would happen if the Earth rotated in the opposite direction?


If the Earth rotated in the opposite direction, then air currents and ocean currents would also change direction. Although the average annual temperature will remain almost the same, the main ocean currents will switch from the Atlantic to the Pacific. And this will dramatically change the climate of the planet.

What would happen if the Earth rotated in the opposite direction? 1

As a result, about a quarter of all deserts in Africa and Eurasia will disappear, replaced by forests or grasslands. For example, the Sahara desert and the California desert will become very wet places. The jungles of the Amazon basin and scenic beauty will turn into arid wasteland, the Russian steppes, on the contrary, will be fragrant with an abundance of plants, and northwestern Europe will suffer especially severe winters.

What would happen if the Earth rotated in the opposite direction? 2

The earth rotates at a tremendous speed, at the equator it is 1600 km / h. It is worth considering that at the moment when the Earth begins to rotate in the opposite direction, everything that is not attached to the earth will fly at a speed of 3200 km / h. These forces will cause, for example, giant tsunamis.

Without rotation, humanity is also in for a catastrophe. That side of the Earth, which is facing the Sun, will burn out from high temperatures, and the dark one will freeze.

What would happen if the Earth rotated in the opposite direction? 3

The speed of the Earth’s rotation slows down over time. According to the data: today is 1.7 milliseconds slower than a century ago. This is not a problem, as it will take more than a trillion years for our Earth to completely stop spinning.

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