Documentary about Rihanna’s return to the stage

Documentary about Rihanna’s return to the stage


Singer Rihanna returns to the stage. She decided to conquer the music industry again after a six-year silence. And the singer returns for a reason, but with a documentary.

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According to the tabloid The Sun, Rihanna has signed a multi-million dollar deal with Apple TV+ to film a documentary about her return to the stage before the Super Bowl. The amount in question is not disclosed.

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The source of the tabloid says that today there is a huge interest in Rihanna and everything connected with her. In addition, her return to the music industry will be the largest in many years. Rihanna also has a strong voice and her work cannot be ignored.

The plot of the film has not been revealed. But it is known that it will be filmed during rehearsals on the eve of the Super Bowl.

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Recall that Rihanna decided to triumphantly break into the music industry by performing at the Super Bowl on February 12, 2023. The celebrity confirmed the news on her Instagram.

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