Famous people who died tragically on Christmas Day

Famous people who died tragically on Christmas Day


The New Year holidays are usually a fun time of the year, a time to gather and celebrate with family and friends. But for some people, Christmas can be quite painful, especially for those who have lost loved ones on this holiday. We at Joy-pup will tell you which of the foreign stars passed away on this bright holiday.

Charlie Chaplin

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The late Charlie Chaplin is one of the most famous British actors and directors. He worked as an actor in his homeland, but then moved to the US and became a silent film star. Charlie Chaplin became best known for his character “The Tramp”. Later, the actor moved to Switzerland. Chaplin’s health deteriorated in the years before his death. He could not do without a wheelchair and an oxygen tank, he lost his hearing and vision. The silent film legend eventually suffered a stroke and died in his sleep at the age of 88.

George Michael

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There is some irony in the fact that the person who sang the song “Last Christmas” (Last Christmas) died on Christmas Day. George Michael passed away in December 2016 from “dilated cardiomyopathy with myocarditis and fatty liver.” The singer spent his last day alone.

George Michael became a star in the 80s when he sang in the duo Wham. He then started a very successful solo career. Sadly, George Michael’s sister, Melanie Panayiotou, also died on Christmas Day, exactly three years after her brother’s death.

Dean Martin

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Dean Martin also died on Christmas Day in 1995. The tragedy happened when the singer turned 78 years old. He has struggled with a variety of health issues, including kidney problems. Dean Martin was a heavy smoker, and it was acute respiratory failure resulting from emphysema and lung cancer that ultimately killed the star.

Joan Blondell

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Joan Blondell was a typical Hollywood blonde bombshell. The career of the actress lasted half a century, and she was even nominated for an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. The actress died of leukemia in 1979 at the age of 70. She departed into another world in the arms of her children and sister, who were at her deathbed until the last second.

James Brown

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James Brown has gone down in music history as the “Godfather of Soul”. His fiery game and unique style have made him a star with a career spanning over 50 years. The famous singer passed away on Christmas Day in 2006. At 73, he died of a heart attack and fluid in his lungs at a hospital in Atlanta. But some of the details of his death just don’t add up, according to some people.

Marvin Crawford, the doctor who signed the singer’s death certificate, does not believe Brown died of natural causes. Longtime friend of the singer Andre White believes that Brown was indeed killed. But an autopsy was not performed, so it is impossible to confirm or refute these loud statements.

Eartha Kitt

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Famed director Orson Welles once called the dancer, singer and actress “the most exciting woman in the world.” Eartha Kitt was indeed a star who passed away at her home on Christmas Day in 2008 after years of battling colon cancer. When she died, her daughter Kitt Shapiro was with her. According to Shapiro, her mother’s death was anything but quiet. “The doctor told us that she would go away very quickly and her body would just start to shut down. But when she left, she left the world with a bang, as did her life.” As the daughter said, she literally screamed, leaving this world. “I sincerely believe that her survival instincts were so much a part of her DNA that she was not going to leave quietly or voluntarily,” her daughter said.

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