Mysteries and legends of European peoples: magic and superstition in the life of Italians

Mysteries and legends of European peoples: magic and superstition in the life of Italians


Italy is one of the most attractive countries for travelers from all over the world, not only because of its beauty and cultural heritage, but also because of its unique traditions and superstitions that have developed over the centuries. Knowing and observing these customs can help avoid misunderstandings with the locals and allow you to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Italian life.

An example of such a superstition is when two people accidentally say the same words at the same time, Italians say “Piase Kokkino” and immediately touch something red to avoid the inevitable conflict between them.

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Another superstition concerns the placement of hats on the bed. The Italians believe that whoever leaves his hat on the bed can bring disaster or even the curse of death upon himself. Probably, this custom originated from a long tradition, when the priest, coming to the deceased, took off his hat and left it on the bed.

There is also a superstition associated with the consumption of fruits. Italians always peel them before eating, as the peel is believed to accumulate negative energy. When buying fruit from the market, they even wear plastic gloves to avoid touching the products directly with their hands.

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When cleaning the house, Italians try not to hit other people’s feet with a broom, as they believe that this can prevent them from getting married. It is also considered unacceptable to pass under a ladder or stepladder, since the space below them is a sacred triangle and violation of its integrity can lead to trouble. This belief in the sacredness of the space under the stairs is possibly related to the Italian respect for architecture and the desire for harmony in the surrounding space.

Italian culture is also known for its fashion and impeccable style, which is reflected in their superstitions. For example, a tailor will never leave a needle in an order to avoid gossip and bad wishes.

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One of the most unusual Italian customs concerns hearses with an empty coffin. At the sight of such a coffin, men necessarily hold on to their genitals to protect themselves from infertility. Women do not use such protection, as this superstition applies only to men. In general, the Italians have developed many ways to protect themselves from negative influences, one of which is to make a “goat” gesture with your fingers.

The Italians also believe in the possibility of determining the presence of damage or the evil eye. To do this, they put a drop of olive oil into holy water. If the drop remains intact, all is well. If it spreads over the surface, this is a bad sign.

If a superstitious inhabitant of the Apennines sees a nun, he will try to touch something metallic so that luck remains with him. If he is angry with someone, he may shout: “Your nun!”, thereby bringing a series of bad luck to the offender.

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In conclusion, Italian superstitions and traditions are the heritage of their history and culture, which are expressed in everyday life. Understanding and respecting these customs will help travelers immerse themselves more deeply in the atmosphere of this amazing country, enjoy its hospitality and avoid unpleasant situations.

To be continued…

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