DIY Easter tree: 3 ways to make a beautiful composition (+ bonus video)

DIY Easter tree: 3 ways to make a beautiful composition (+ bonus video)


The Easter tree is a traditional symbol of Easter that can decorate your home and create an atmosphere of spring and joy. In fact, making an Easter tree with your own hands is not so difficult. We at joy-pup will look at three easy ways to create an Easter tree.

Bonus video how to make an Easter tree with your own hands

Easter tree from branches and eggs

To create an Easter tree, you will need branches, egg nests, colored eggs and a pot. Follow these simple instructions:

  • Step 1: Find small bushy branches. They should be long enough to fit in a pot, but not too bulky.
  • Step 2: Prepare the pot, fill it with soil and secure the branches in the ground.
  • Step 3: Place the egg nests on the branches. You can make your own from wire or buy pre-made nests from the store.
  • Step 4: Color the eggs and place them in nests on the branches. You can use eggs in a variety of colors and sizes to create a varied and colorful decor.
  • Step 5: Mount the finished tree in a prominent location, such as a table or window sill.

See options for an Easter tree from branches:

DIY Easter tree: 3 ways to make a beautiful composition (+ bonus video) 1
DIY Easter tree: 3 ways to make a beautiful composition (+ bonus video) 2
DIY Easter tree: 3 ways to make a beautiful composition (+ bonus video) 3

Easter paper tree

You can easily make an Easter tree out of paper. You will need colored paper, scissors, glue, tape and a pencil.

  • Step 1: Cut out several egg shapes from paper. You can use templates or create your own forms.
  • Step 2: Fold each egg in half and draw various designs and decorations on them.
  • Step 3: Cut out strips of paper and roll them into tubes that will become tree branches.
  • Step 4: Glue the branches and attach them to a rod or pencil,
  • Step 5: Attach the eggs to the branches with ribbons and decorate the tree with additional decorative elements such as paper flowers or butterflies.
  • Step 6: Place your finished Easter tree on a table or shelf.

See paper Easter tree options:

Easter tree of flowers

Another way to create an Easter tree is to use flowers. You will need a flower pot, earth, twigs, flowers and eggs.

  • Step 1: Fill the pot with soil and secure the branches in it. You can use both real and artificial flowers.
  • Step 2: Set up egg nests on the branches and reinforce them if necessary.
  • Step 3: Place the eggs in nests on the branches.
  • Step 4: Decorate the tree with ribbons and other decorative items.

Making an Easter tree with your own hands is very easy and fun. Choose the method that suits you best and enjoy creating beautiful and colorful decorations for Easter.

DIY Easter tree: 3 ways to make a beautiful composition (+ bonus video) 6
DIY Easter tree: 3 ways to make a beautiful composition (+ bonus video) 7

To be continued…

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