Tips for choosing the right clothes for an interview

Tips for choosing the right clothes for an interview


After receiving an invitation to an interview, the first question that arises is what clothes are suitable for a meeting? After all, clothing has a big impact on how others perceive you, and in this case, your future boss. We at Joy-pup will tell you what style of clothing is suitable for an interview, and what is not recommended to wear.

How to choose clothes for an interview

At the interview, you must convince with your background and confident appearance. Clothing plays an important role here. Every company has a dress code that must match the industry. But some agencies do not expect white blouses and business suits for interviews. It is much more important that your appearance is well-groomed, and your clothes do not attract negative attention.

Tips for choosing the right clothes for an interview 1

Clothing should fit properly and not be too long, short, tight or oversized. If the outfit doesn’t suit you, you’ll be distracted by her during the interview – something to avoid.

Your clothes must be clean and neat. Stains and creases do not make a good impression on a potential employer. So, if your blouse has wrinkles and creases, an iron will help you quickly fix the situation.

Tips for choosing the right clothes for an interview 2

Feel comfortable. Of course, meeting with a future employer is a special occasion, but you still need to feel comfortable in the clothes you wear to your interview. If you feel uncomfortable in your outfit, it’s definitely not for you.

Ask family and friends for advice on how to dress for an interview. Have you chosen clothes but are not sure if they are suitable for work? A look from the outside is very important – get the opinion of loved ones.

Tips for choosing the right clothes for an interview 3

Be sure to try on your interview outfit ahead of time and evaluate yourself in front of a mirror. Answer yourself the questions – do you feel comfortable in it, do you like the outfit. In addition, you should get used to your appearance by trying it on and get an idea of ​​how you will be perceived.

Dress style for a good impression

Depending on the area of ​​work, there are some dress codes that you must follow. This is where the main distinction is made between young start-ups, agencies and traditional sectors and companies looking for different characteristics in candidates.

In the IT industry and publishing houses, a stylish appearance with the right clothes is always welcome. You can pair a beautiful blazer with quality trousers. It is better not to use jeans, as this look looks too relaxed. In the creative industry, fashionable sneakers or elegant low shoes are welcome. It is better not to wear high heels here. Shoes should be clean and not too high.

Tips for choosing the right clothes for an interview 4

In the financial and legal sector, a suit and blouse are still mandatory. Since these companies are quite conservative, a two-piece suit with a knee-length skirt is desirable here. The print should be restrained, and the colors of the clothes should be discreet. The more thoughtful your outfit is, the better it will be perceived by the future employer.

Tips for choosing the right clothes for an interview 5

Now many interviews are conducted online in front of a camera on a laptop. But when it comes to dress and appearance, these rules are also acceptable. Of course, neither shoes nor legs are visible in front of the camera, but it is worth preparing for this in the same way as for an interview in an offline company. Blouses combined with pajamas or sweatpants remain taboo.

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