Drinking coffee correctly: what mistakes should be avoided when drinking this drink?

Drinking coffee correctly: what mistakes should be avoided when drinking this drink?


Many of us cannot imagine the morning without such an invigorating drink as coffee. It “awakens” us, gives pleasant emotions and is beneficial if it is drunk correctly. But do we always use this drink in the right way? The joy-pup team talks about the top four mistakes to avoid when drinking coffee. Otherwise, you can harm your health.

Drink more than four cups a day

Drinking coffee correctly: what mistakes should be avoided when drinking this drink? 1

Excessive consumption of caffeine leads to sleep disorders, stress on the heart. As a result, there may be an increase in blood pressure, the body is also dehydrated, and the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems is disrupted. Another unpleasant consequence for the body is a decrease in protective functions. Therefore, it is recommended to drink no more than four cups of coffee per day, and not at a time.

Consume instant coffee

Drinking coffee correctly: what mistakes should be avoided when drinking this drink? 2

Many prefer an instant drink. It is enough to fill it with boiling water to enjoy a pleasant aroma and taste. But, unfortunately, it is rarely ever really useful. So, it contains much more caffeine than in natural grains. And it also contains acids that have a negative effect on the heart. Also, instant coffee can negatively affect the functioning of the stomach. Experts advise giving preference to natural drinks that will delight you with their taste and aroma.

Drink unfiltered coffee

Drinking coffee correctly: what mistakes should be avoided when drinking this drink? 3

The coffee grounds that remain in the cup can enter your body. It seems to be nothing to worry about. But in fact, it contains substances that increase the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Therefore, it is desirable to filter the drink, for example by straining it. Or you can switch to a healthy filter coffee.

Drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach

Drinking coffee correctly: what mistakes should be avoided when drinking this drink? 4

If you’re used to drinking coffee before breakfast, change your habit. Indeed, in this case, the drink can increase blood sugar levels, lead to an exacerbation or development of chronic diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis and ulcers.

Do not drink coffee immediately after a meal. Indeed, in this case, intestinal imbalance may occur. It is better to wait a few hours after the first meal and enjoy aromatic coffee.

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