Do you also have this problem? In the morning they washed their hair, and by the evening they are already so greasy that the strands hang like icicles. Rapid oiling of hair can be very annoying. We at Joy-pup have collected tips on how to help your hair get less oily.
Don’t touch your hair with your hands

If your hair gets oily quickly, get rid of the habit of constantly touching it with your fingers. If you just run your hands through your hair, they will be more greasy. This happens not only because of the dirt and oil that is on the hands, but also because the scalp begins to secrete more sebum when touched. The same goes for hair that constantly falls on the face.
The right shampoo

The shampoo, of course, ensures that your hair is completely fresh again. But if used incorrectly, they can also become greasy faster. First of all, it is important not to use too much shampoo and rinse well. The rest of the product accelerates the oiliness of the hair. Choose a shampoo specifically for your hair type.
Use less hair products

Of course, shampoo and a good conditioner are essential, but try to keep your hair care minimalist. Cosmetic products such as serums, gel, wax, hairspray and mousse make hair greasy. So keep their use to a minimum.
Pillowcase replacement

Because you lay your head on your pillow every night, it can quickly get dirty with make-up residue, greasy hair, and sweat. If you then lie down on it with your freshly washed hair, all this dirt will, of course, come into direct contact with them. So change your pillowcase regularly and lift your hair up before bed.
Wash your hair less often

This may not be what you wanted to hear, but if your hair gets oily quickly, you need to wash it as little as possible. If you wash your hair often, your hair will get used to it, and the opposite effect will occur. So delay this moment as far as possible or use a good dry shampoo.
See also: 10 tips to help prepare your hair for autumn.

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