Summer berries: what are the benefits for our health

Summer berries: what are the benefits for our health


If you often snack on raspberries, strawberries and other berries in the summer, you protect yourself from many diseases and strengthen your immunity. Find out on Joy-pup what other benefits seasonal summer berries bring to the body.

The benefits of berries for the body

Summer berries: what are the benefits for our health 1

The secret of berries that have a beneficial effect on the body is flavonoids. These plant substances are responsible for the red, blue, and sometimes almost black color of the fruit. When consumed with food, they enter the bloodstream. Research shows that flavonoids, especially a group of them called anthocyanins, have a neuroprotective effect. A serving of berries a day provides new nerve cells in the brain. This has a positive effect on the ability to move and think. Improves reaction time, spatial memory, improves balance and coordination skills. Berries prevent deposits in the arteries, which promotes optimal blood circulation and supply of nerve cells with nutrients.

The highest concentration of flavonoids is found in fresh fruits. Even when frozen, they do not lose their beneficial properties, they can be stored in the freezer for about a year. However, when cooked, they unfortunately lose their health benefits. Berries are full of vitamins and minerals and contain a lot of fiber. In addition to flavonoids, they provide other plant substances with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.


Summer berries: what are the benefits for our health 2

Fragrant strawberries aid our digestion because they are full of fiber. Thanks to pectin and cellulose, constipation and obesity are prevented. In addition, delicious berries contain almost no calories. only 32 calories per 100 g – so you can feast without remorse. Strawberries have more vitamin C than lemons, they contain B vitamins, vitamins A, folic acid, aspartic acid and salicylic acid (effective for rheumatism and gout).


Summer berries: what are the benefits for our health 3

Blackberries are a real vitamin bomb, which is very beneficial for vision. The level of beta-carotene in them is one of the highest among berries. The body uses it to produce vitamin A, which protects the eyes.


Summer berries: what are the benefits for our health 4

Small blue berries have great power. Blueberries fight microbes, relieve inflammation, protect blood vessels from blockage, and body cells from environmental toxins. It contains the plant compounds anthocyanins, which scavenge free radicals and neutralize them. Anthocyanins can slow down premature skin aging, and blueberries can even prevent wrinkles. The content of vitamins C and E strengthens the immune system, protects the body from free radicals. Vitamin C boosts the production of collagen, the beauty protein.


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It is believed that gooseberries promote weight loss because they stimulate fat metabolism. The silicon contained in this berry makes the walls of cells and blood vessels strong. Some people find the thick gooseberry skin difficult to digest, so it should always be chewed well or eaten mashed.


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Small red berries have a blood-purifying effect. The berries contain three times more iron than black currants, which determines its high hematopoietic ability. Together with the vitamin C they also contain, the body can absorb iron particularly well.


Summer berries: what are the benefits for our health 7

Red and black currants are immune boosters because they contain three times more vitamin C than lemon. Since this vitamin promotes the formation of antibodies, you are not afraid of summer colds. Currant increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, strengthens blood vessels and cleanses them of cholesterol plaques.

See also: what foods are good for breakfast.

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