The year of which animal is 2023 according to the eastern calendar

The year of which animal is 2023 according to the eastern calendar


The year 2023 will be held under the auspices of the Black Water Rabbit. Among the peoples of Asia, the fourth year of the lunar cycle is considered the happiest, and it is the Rabbit that occupies this place among all the signs of the zodiac. What promises us this year and how to meet it?

2023 is the year of which animal?

The year of which animal is 2023 according to the eastern calendar 1

The following year, the Blue Water Tiger gives way to the Black Water Rabbit. He is nimble, decisive, soft and gentle. This sign will take the reins in its paws and help us correct many mistakes. Along with this, the year will be filled with unpredictable events, unexpected twists and turns.

The Black Water Rabbit will patronize anyone who does not like to go with the flow and adapt to situations. The owner of 2023 will definitely appreciate sincerity, lightness, honesty. Anyone who has such character traits can receive the patronage of the Rabbit.

Year of the Black Water Rabbit – when will it start in 2023?

The year of which animal is 2023 according to the eastern calendar 2

Despite the fact that we traditionally celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1, according to the Chinese calendar, the Black Water Rabbit comes into its own on January 22, 2023. It will operate until February 9, 2024. He will be replaced by the Green Wood Dragon.

By the way, if the year 2023 comes for us, then for the Chinese it is 4721.

What will 2023 be like?

The year of which animal is 2023 according to the eastern calendar 3

The Black Water Rabbit comes once every sixty years. The last time he managed was in 1903 and 1963. It is the number “3” in the year that indicates the color that will accompany the sign. It is black, but variations are also possible – dark blue, light blue, blue, because the ruling planet is Venus.

As astrologers predict, 2023 will be a calm, harmonious year. After all, the Rabbit is a gentle and affectionate creature, it takes care of its family. It is expected that there will be major changes on a global scale, as well as successes on the path to progress.

The main value next year will be the preservation of one’s own well-being. We will even more care for loved ones, but we can also feel an internal conflict in the sphere of moral and spiritual. Many will ask questions about the role of man in the world. Read also what will be the year 2023 for each zodiac sign.

What colors to celebrate 2023?

The year of which animal is 2023 according to the eastern calendar 4

If you want to appease the Black Water Rabbit, keep in mind that he prefers comfort and freedom. Therefore, it is worth choosing an outfit that will not limit you in anything. Prefer soft fabrics and fluffy accessories, but never use fox fur in them. In colors, show imagination, you can combine them, but avoid lemon and acid yellow shades.

It is best to meet the year of the Black Water Rabbit in these colors:

  • blue and all its shades;
  • red;
  • black;
  • orange;
  • green;
  • violet;
  • pink.

Bring love red, good luck – orange, financial well-being – green, confidence – purple, stability in family relationships – pink.

How to celebrate the year of the Black Water Rabbit?

The year of which animal is 2023 according to the eastern calendar 5

You should not organize a too stormy holiday, because the owner of the year loves softness, tranquility, family harmony. Therefore, spend the New Year with your family, with your loved ones.

There must be greenery on the table. Mandatory treats are cabbage and carrot salads.

Another patron of 2023 is the Cat. Therefore, do not forget to prepare fish dishes for the festive table.

Well, do not forget that you need to be bold and active. In this case, the owner of the next year will definitely accompany you.

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