Garden hacks and helpful tips Part 3 + bonus video

Garden hacks and helpful tips Part 3 + bonus video


bonus video Life hacks for gardeners and summer residents:

Life hack9. Acceleration of seed growth in hydrogen peroxide

To speed up the growth of seeds, soak them in a hydrogen peroxide solution: cabbage needs 12 hours, while tomato and beet seeds need a whole day. Be sure to rinse and dry the seeds before planting.

Garden hacks and helpful tips Part 3 + bonus video 1

Life hack10. Petals as decoration

Fallen buds and petals can be used to decorate your yard: hang bottles of flowers on the fence, and decorate a bucket filled with water with petals.

Garden hacks and helpful tips Part 3 + bonus video 2

Life hack11. Nettle against aphids

To combat aphids, use nettle infusion: pour 2 kilograms of fresh nettle leaves with a bucket of water and spray garden plants with them a day later.

Garden hacks and helpful tips Part 3 + bonus video 3

Life hack12. Plants in pots on the yard

Plants in pots can decorate your dacha if you haven’t had time to create a flower bed: geranium, hydrangea, begonia and fuchsia are suitable for the climate near Moscow. However, not all indoor plants will grow well in the country.

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To be continued…

Read also: garden life hacks and useful tips Part 2 + bonus video.

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