Sometimes, in pursuit of fashion, we can choose very strange clothes. In some cases, such clothes not only attract attention but even look ridiculous. has collected photos of different outfits that look a bit inexplicabl.
«50% cotton, 50%?»

«A collar and a tie for pants»

Would you like to have such trousers?

«What to wear today? Oh, I know! A reptile!»

«I heard that it must be somewhere here»

Why not?

When you have a rainbow on your tie

He knew that moustache is in fashion, but went too far

Tight silk pants and shoes at the same time

«These are socks»

This man doesn’t chase after a fashion. He doesn’t want to catch coronavirus.

«Icy look»


They say such hairdo is trendy

The brightest example of how designers want to stand out of the pack in the fashion world

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