Homemade ice cream: how to make a cooling treat without an ice cream Maker

Homemade ice cream: how to make a cooling treat without an ice cream Maker


In hot weather, there is nothing better than ice cream. It is refreshing, cooling and will satisfy your cravings for sweets. This treat can be made at home even if you don’t have an ice cream maker. Make homemade ice cream that doesn’t require any equipment. We at joy-pup.com offer ice cream recipes ranging from classic to original.

Homemade butter ice cream

Homemade ice cream: how to make a cooling treat without an ice cream Maker 1


  • 500 g condensed milk
  • 500 ml whipped cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar

Step by step recipe

Pour cream, condensed milk into a bowl, add vanilla. Beat the mixture with a mixer until it turns into a thicker mass. Put the resulting mass in layers in a plastic container, cover and freeze. Once the ice cream has hardened (4-6 hours), you can serve it to your family or guests. Decorate the delicacy with berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) or pour over with liquor.

Curd ice cream

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  • 450 ml milk
  • 10 g gelatin
  • 1 egg
  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 450 g soft cottage cheese


Gelatin pour 250 ml of milk and let swell for an hour. Pour the remaining milk into the pan, add eggs, sugar and swollen gelatin. Bring the ingredients to a boil, stirring constantly with a whisk, set aside and let cool. After cooling, gradually add this mixture to the cottage cheese and beat into a homogeneous cream. Then pour into a plastic container and place in the freezer. Stir the mixture three times while freezing. You can also pour the ice cream mixture into popsicle molds and freeze.

Banana coffee ice cream

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  • 3 bananas
  • 2 tsp coffee
  • 2 tsp sugar


One of the easiest ice cream recipes ever. Just cut the banana into slices and let them freeze completely in the freezer. Then put the bananas in a blender, add coffee and sugar to them, beat until smooth, then arrange in molds and freeze for at least 5 hours.

Strawberry ice cream

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  • 180 g sugar
  • 450 g strawberries
  • 100 ml cream
  • vanilla extract


Mash the strawberries and mix them with a little sugar. This will help the fruit release its own juice. If you have frozen strawberries, let them thaw and then mix in the sugar. Beat 100 g of cream with a mixer for 3-5 minutes. Mix the remaining cream with strawberries and sugar, add 2-3 drops of vanilla extract and whipped cream. Pour everything into silicone molds or a plastic container and place in the freezer for about 6 hours.

Raspberry-currant ice cream

You can use only raspberries, currants, or any combination of red fruits.

Homemade ice cream: how to make a cooling treat without an ice cream Maker 5


  • 350 g fruits – raspberries and black currants
  • 200 g sugar
  • 2 egg whites
  • 25 ml lemon juice
  • 250 ml cream
  • 15 ml cognac or other flavored alcohol


Mix fruits in a blender until smooth. Take a bowl and a sieve and rub the resulting mass to get rid of the seeds and peel. Pour water into a small saucepan and place a metal bowl on it. Pour sugar, egg whites and lemon juice into it. Turn on the stove and let the bowl heat up a little with steam. In the meantime, you can whip the cream. Once the bottom of the bowl is hot, start stirring the mixture quickly until it thickens. This takes about 8 minutes. Remove the bowl from the pot and continue stirring until the mixture has cooled. Add fruit puree, cognac and whipped cream to it. Mix thoroughly, place in a plastic container and place in the freezer for about 3-4 hours.

Mint ice cream

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  • 80 g sugar
  • 300 ml milk
  • 300 ml cream
  • 3 sprigs of fresh mint


Mix sugar with milk, add mint leaves and heat until sugar dissolves. Be careful – the mixture should not boil. Taste – if the mixture doesn’t seem sweet enough, sweeten to taste. Leave to cool in the refrigerator and then strain the mixture. Add the cream to the cooled mixture and mix well. Place the prepared ice cream mixture in an airtight container and place in the freezer. Take the ice cream out of the freezer a few times before the ice cream is completely frozen and stir.

Creamy cucumber ice cream

If you love creamy ice cream, cucumber will surprise you with its delicious and refreshing taste.

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  • 160 g cucumbers
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 eggs
  • 80 g sugar
  • 60 g honey
  • 240 ml milk
  • 240 ml cream
  • a pinch of vanilla and a little nutmeg


Peel the cucumbers and put them in a blender, add the lemon juice. Beat eggs, sugar and honey until foamy and mix with chopped cucumber. Add cream, milk and vanilla. Strain the mixture through a sieve, add nutmeg to taste and put in the freezer. Stir it every two hours so that the ingredients are still more combined.

Rose petal ice cream

Petals of wild, strong-smelling varieties of roses are suitable for making ice cream. Garden varieties such as Bourbon or English roses can also be used. Do not use roses from a flower shop, they are treated with chemicals against plant diseases, and simple washing will not remove these substances.

Homemade ice cream: how to make a cooling treat without an ice cream Maker 8


  • 125 g rose petals
  • 125 ml whipped cream
  • 1 st. l. honey
  • 40 g sugar
  • 100 ml milk
  • 2 pcs. egg yolks
  • a pinch of salt


Coarsely chop rose petals and mix them with honey, salt and a third of sugar. Leave it like this for at least 5 hours, and preferably until the next day. The next day we start making ice cream. Mix the cream with milk and heat until boiling, cook for 1 minute. Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks with the remaining sugar until fluffy. Slowly pour one ladleful of boiled milk and cream into the yolks, whisking constantly. Continue whisking and slowly add the rest of the cream. The yolks will not curdle during this process. Add the rose petals that were infused earlier to the mixture. Return the mixture to the stove and, whisking constantly, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes – the mixture will thicken somewhat. Let cool completely, pour into a container and send to the freezer for 5-7 hours.

See also: recipes for cooling sorbet.

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