How to cook okroshka: a favorite summer dish

How to cook okroshka: a favorite summer dish


In summer, cold soup is a great dish that will provide all the necessary nutrients and refresh. It was cold okroshka that was loved by many, and there are a lot of variations in its preparation. We at joy-pup will tell you how to cook classic okroshka and how to season it.

Traditional okroshka – on kvass and sour cream

How to cook okroshka: a favorite summer dish 1

Despite the fact that this soup can be seasoned with mineral water, kefir, sour cream, classic okroshka is seasoned only with unsweetened bread kvass. You can cook it yourself or you can buy a ready-made product.

If you want to make bread kvass yourself, just take dry bread kvass that you can buy at the store, knead it and pour boiled water over it. Leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours, covered with a cloth. After that, strain, add bread yeast and place in a warm place to ferment. As soon as this process begins, strain the kvass through cheesecloth and refrigerate.

For okroshka you will need:

  • kvass – 1.5 l;
  • boiled beef – 300 g;
  • cucumbers – 4 pcs;
  • boiled potatoes – 4 pcs;
  • boiled eggs – 4 pcs;
  • green onions – 15 g;
  • dill – 10 g;
  • parsley – 10 g;
  • sour cream – 2 cups;
  • salt, sugar, mustard.

How to cook classic okroshka?

  1. Dice meat, cucumbers, potatoes, eggs. Finely chop dill, parsley, green onion.
  2. Mash the onion with a little salt, wait for the juice to appear.
  3. Combine all ingredients except dill and parsley in a large saucepan. Add sour cream and mix well.
  4. Pour the products with kvass, add dill and parsley, mustard, sugar, salt. Stir the dish. You can also add a slice of lemon to make the okroshka taste more sour.

Advice. Instead of meat, diced sausage can be added to okroshka.

Okroshka on kefir and sparkling water

How to cook okroshka: a favorite summer dish 2

To make this cold soup you will need:

  • one chicken fillet or 500 g of boiled sausage;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • boiled potatoes – 3 pcs;
  • cucumbers – 4 pcs;
  • radish – 5 pcs;
  • green onions;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • kefir – 1 l;
  • sparkling water – 1 l.
How to cook okroshka: a favorite summer dish 3

How to cook okroshka?

  1. Dice fillet or sausage, eggs, potatoes, cucumbers, radishes. Finely chop the onion, dill and parsley.
  2. Combine all ingredients except dill and parsley in a large bowl or saucepan.
  3. Separately, mix kefir with water in a 1: 1 ratio or to taste.
  4. Pour the ingredients with kefir and water, add dill and parsley, mix. Salt the soup to taste.

You can also add a little mustard to make the taste more refined.

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