Coffee Grounds Against Parasites – Gardening Hacks and Helpful Tips Part 10 + Bonus Video

Coffee Grounds Against Parasites – Gardening Hacks and Helpful Tips Part 10 + Bonus Video


Bonus video Life hacks for gardeners and summer residents:

Life hack33. Insect, rodent and other pest control

Owners of private houses and plots with gardens and orchards often face the problem of insects and other pests that can damage plants and cause discomfort. For example, ants can become a real problem if they populate a house.

There are several life hacks to solve these problems. Coffee grounds can help get rid of ants in your yard or vegetable garden. A mixture of powdered sugar and baking soda will help eliminate the problem in the house. Evenly mixing the coffee grounds into the soil will not only get rid of ants, but also snails and slugs that can damage the vines.

To get rid of snails that can damage plants, you can dig a shallow ditch around the plant, completely encircling it, and pour mashed eggshells into it.

Plastic disposable forks can help control rodents such as rabbits, moles, rats and mice. By inserting them into the ground with the jagged side up, you can get rid of their adventures.

These life hacks will help the owners of houses and plots to save their plants and get rid of various pests.

Coffee Grounds Against Parasites – Gardening Hacks and Helpful Tips Part 10 + Bonus Video 1

Life hack34. How to fertilize a garden: simple and effective methods

When caring for a summer cottage, do not forget about the garden area, which will help create a pleasant aesthetic experience from being in the country. Growing flowers in a garden can be tricky, but there are fertilization methods that work for almost all plants, including using banana peels as fertilizer. This peel contains many nutrients for the soil, such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur and phosphate. Simply chop up a banana peel and scatter it around your garden.

Also, vegetable broth and the water in which the eggs were boiled can be used as an excellent fertilizer for flowers. Just pour this water regularly under the bushes with flowers, and the result will not be long in coming.

Coffee Grounds Against Parasites – Gardening Hacks and Helpful Tips Part 10 + Bonus Video 2

To be continued…

Read also garden life hacks – watering plants without a host.

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